Monthly Archives: August 2021

Dashboard Jesus, Cool Hand Luke

I don’t care if it rains or freezes

Long as I’ve got my plastic Jesus

Sittin” on the dashboard of my car

Comes in colors pink and pleasant

Glows in the dark cause it’s iridescent

Take it with you when you travel far.

Get yourself a sweet Madonna dressed in rhinestone

Sittin” on a pedestal of abalone shell

Going ninety I ain’t scary

Cause I got the Virgin Mary

Assuring me that I won’t go to hell.

Same sex attraction and theology

One Catholic Matt Fradd says in his podcast that Catholics must not celebrate in Pride Month. “Now to be clear: the Church does NOT say we should hate people who experience same-sex attraction. It DOES say that we ought to treat them with respect and compassion. But that does NOT mean we can say their actions themselves are properly ordered.” Well isn’t that magnanimous of him! I have never had any other BUT same sex attraction. I am a protestant, having been raised in the Dallas area. FIRST I must say, I have never needed a pride month. I have value as a human being and I have no shame in being attracted to the same sex. The church, Catholics and Protestants alike, have smugly believed that they have a complete understanding of the human and divine experience inclusive of the phenomena of same sex attraction. As far as we know, every millennia in the existence of human beings contained those with same sex attraction. I cherish and honor the gospel of Christ, but we must let go of the notions that our lives must be follow strict adherence to rules and laws of this ordered universe we believe God has set into motion. So much is arbitrary. Much is according to our own preference and narrow belief systems. It is fine if you don’t celebrate Pride Month. I don’t either. But let us acknowledge that it celebrates the diversity of our human species. Be a part of THAT celebration! I am disgusted by the slavish devotion to antiquated belief systems that marginalize human beings!